For many patients undergoing a surgical procedure of any kind, scars are often one of their foremost concerns. Most of the time, plastic surgeons, like Dr. Jonov and Dr. Santos, use the least invasive methods to minimize scarring during surgery. However, any surgery–cosmetic or otherwise–will come with some sort of scarring. Many methods exist to reduce scarring after surgery, but among one of the most effective methods is microneedling. The master estheticians at Seattle Plastic Surgery offer microneedling for post-surgical scar reduction to the Seattle and Tacoma areas.
Microneedling is an esthetic procedure used to treat skin problems like acne scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, and rough skin texture. Microneedling works by stimulating the collagen production through small micro-injuries. The small pricks the microneedling device makes are not usually visible to the eye. Yet, your body treats them as a wound and sends white blood cells, collagen, and other healing factors to the site. For scarring, this can smooth the texture and appearance of surgical scars.
This process can be further enhanced by radiofrequency in a procedure known as RF microneedling. RF microneedling is the latest advancement in microneedling and offers additional rejuvenation deeper in the skin.
Collagen is a vital structural protein in the skin that contributes to keeping your skin moisturized and healthy. When microneedling instructs your body to create more, the process can renew the skin of the scar. Leading to an improved appearance. Seattle microneedling is one of the most popular acne scarring treatments because it can help fill in depressed acne scars.
Surgical scars differ from acne scars, but the concept works similarly to encourage a smoother look and feel to the scar. Since everyone’s body produces collagen at a different rate, some may see an improvement in their scars sooner than others. Our master estheticians have found that most patients see results within six microneedling for post-surgical scar reduction sessions.
Does It Work For Keloid Scarring?
Unfortunately, any microneedling procedure is not recommended for anyone prone to keloid formation. This is because microneedling creates small pricks in the skin that could become keloids in those susceptible. Depending upon your keloid and medical history, your master esthetician may find another procedure or regimen that better fits your needs.