Sweating is a normal bodily function. It helps regulate body temperature, particularly when the body begins to overheat during exercise or in hot weather. However, some people sweat outside of these conditions. Sometimes, when severe and persistent, this is known as hyperhidrosis. It comes in two forms: primary and secondary. Primary has no cause and is usually localized to a specific area. Secondary often has a cause and covers larger areas. While secondary often can be treated easily, primary frequently becomes a chronic condition. Luckily, BOTOX injections can temporarily relieve sweating. Seattle Plastic Surgery provides the best BOTOX for axillary hyperhidrosis Seattle and Tacoma offers.
As previously described, hyperhidrosis refers to when a person sweats during abnormal times. However, it typically goes a step further. Sweating often becomes an almost constant state during waking hours. In the case of primary hyperhidrosis, the sweating is localized to one part of the body. It often favors bilateral areas such as the armpits.
Underarm hyperhidrosis–also known as axillary hyperhidrosis–causes incessant underarm sweating. People with hyperhidrosis often become limited in the colors they can wear, may find that deodorants do little to stop sweating, and may even experience rashes.
There are various treatments available for axillary hyperhidrosis. Prescription strength antiperspirants, medications, and even surgery may be considered. BOTOX injections–while better known wrinkle treatment–are effective in reducing or eliminating sweating in around 90% of hyperhidrosis patients. This makes them an attractive option for treating chronic sweating.