BOTOX For Hyperhidrosis

BOTOX For Hyperhidrosis Price

100 Units


Procedure Time: 30 mins to 1 hour

Recovery Time: Little to None


Most people have experienced excessive sweating at some point. Whether on a hot day or after a particularly strenuous workout, everyone knows the feeling of being drenched in sweat. For those with hyperhidrosis, this is a daily part of life. Normally localized to one area of the body, like the armpits, hyperhidrosis causes excessive sweating. While environmental and medical factors can worsen hyperhidrosis, there is usually not a fixed reason for the condition. With few treatment options, BOTOX is a popular choice when other methods prove ineffective. The board-certified providers at Seattle Plastic Surgery offer BOTOX for hyperhidrosis in Seattle and Tacoma.


Hyperhidrosis requires a medical diagnosis. Typically, patients are diagnosed in adolescence, but it is possible to acquire hyperhidrosis due to various situations or medical conditions. This is the main difference in the types of hyperhidrosis. 

Types of Hyperhidrosis

While hyperhidrosis is a rare disorder, primary focal hyperhidrosis is the most common type. Primary focal hyperhidrosis is classified when the condition has no other cause and occurs in only one area of the body. For example, primary focal hyperhidrosis is frequently present in the armpitshands, and feet. For example, this means that the patient will experience excessive sweating in the armpits, but sweats normally everywhere else. 

While primary focal hyperhidrosis has no known cause, many conditions can worsen it. Much like normal sweating, stress and exercise can exacerbate the problem. Additionally, medical conditions can make the problem more uncomfortable.

The second type of hyperhidrosis is secondary generalized hyperhidrosis. This type affects the entire body and typically has another medical cause. Causes of secondary generalized hyperhidrosis can include:

  • Anxiety
  • Obesity
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Gout
  • Alcohol or substance abuse
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Diabetes
  • Certain medications

These are just some of the conditions that can cause secondary generalized hyperhidrosis. In general, treating the medical problem or situation will treat or completely resolve this type of hyperhidrosis. Since it afflicts the entire body, BOTOX often is not a good treatment for secondary generalized hyperhidrosis. Although, in some cases, it may help relieve the condition in certain body areas.

Hyperhidrosis Treatment In Seattle

Unfortunately, there are no definite cures for hyperhidrosis. Since the condition has no definitive cause or a variety of causes, treatment focuses on managing the symptoms long term. Especially if diagnosed in adolescence, doctors will try more conservative methods of treatment before BOTOX for hyperhidrosis. Later on, BOTOX may work in tandem with these other methods or on it’s own. The treatment options for hyperhidrosis include:

  • Prescription Antiperspirants: Prescription strength deodorants can discourage sweating and treat body odor caused from excessive sweating. While this can reduce sweating, it mainly treats the uncomfortable side effects of hyperhidrosis. This option is great for those with mild hyperhidrosis or for use with other treatment methods.
  • Nerve Blockers & Antidepressants: Oral medications that block nerve function and signals like nerve blockers and antidepressants can effectively reduce nerve function. These medications work similarly to how BOTOX blocks nerve transmission. Again, these medications often work best with other treatments for hyperhidrosis. Some hyperhidrosis patients will find that these medications adequately treat their condition.
  • Topical Treatments: Doctors sometimes prescribe creams and other topical ointments. These treatments are usually suited for the face and head to prevent rashes from forming and to soothe the skin. Creams usually do not reduce sweating on their own, but can make the condition more bearable for daily life.
  • BOTOX Injections: BOTOX for hyperhidrosis treatment injects the sweating area to limit nerve function. This prevents excessive sweating. Unlike many other treatment options, BOTOX treats the overactivity of the sweat glands, which can temporarily stop excessive sweating. BOTOX is commonly used with other treatments for the most effective hyperhidrosis management and treatment.


The number of BOTOX units required for hyperhidrosis treatment depends on the size of the area and amount of sweat experienced. Typically, 50-100 units of BOTOX are injected into each armpit in a grid type pattern. During your consultation, your provider will examine your medical history and treatment area to determine the number of units.

How Often Will I Need Injections?

Similarly to cosmetic BOTOX, you will need to get your BOTOX injections refreshed occasionally. The length of time you can expect your results to last depends on many factors including your lifestyle and metabolism. Generally, you can expect results to last anywhere from 4 months to a year. Each patient will vary in the length of time they enjoy their results. 

Luckily, at Seattle Plastic Surgery, we can schedule regular follow up appointments to pinpoint when you need a refreshment. That way you can continue living without the effects of hyperhidrosis.



BOTOX injections first received FDA approval for strabismus in 1989. It specifically received approval for the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis in 2004. Historically, BOTOX injections have been used to block nerve and muscle activity for cosmetic and medical purposes. 

BOTOX was first studied in ophthalmology for the treatment of eye muscle disorders like strabismus. Participants soon recognized the cosmetic benefits of the injections. This led to the cosmetic applications that BOTOX is best known for today. 

Concurrently with the studies into the possible cosmetic applications, other medical treatments were studied as well. This included studies on BOTOX for hyperhidrosis. In 2004, the FDA specifically approved the use of BOTOX injections for hyperhidrosis. Among one of the most studied drugs worldwide, BOTOX for hyperhidrosis may gain additional approvals by the FDA in coming years.

Considering the uncertainty of hyperhidrosis treatment, many feel discouraged by the lack of effective treatments, or the need to combine treatments. BOTOX has shown to be an effective treatment for hyperhidrosis, especially when treating the armpits. According to, the International Hyperhidrosis Society’s website, patients with axillary hyperhidrosis treated with BOTOX saw an 82-87% reduction in sweating.


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When injected, the active ingredient of BOTOX, Botulinum toxin A, prevents the stimulation nerves that cause the release of sweat glands. Like when used for cosmetic purposes, BOTOX temporarily paralyzes these nerves. 

It will still be possible to sweat because BOTOX does not totally diminish nerve or muscle function. However, BOTOX treats the excessive sweating as well as prevents the soaking of clothes and the uncomfortable side effects. After BOTOX injections, hyperhidrosis patients should only sweat in the treated area during times like exercise or hot weather.

Tacoma BOTOX injections for hyperhidrosis are usually part of a larger hyperhidrosis treatment plan. You may continue to use prescription deodorants, medications, or topical creams in addition to BOTOX. Your specific treatment will hinge on the severity of the condition and the plan you and your doctor come up with.  

Is It Safe?

As mentioned above, BOTOX is one of the most studied drugs in the world. Due to this, it is widely considered one of the safest cosmetic and medical treatments you can receive. When it comes to the safety of BOTOX for hyperhidrosis, major side effects are rare. Especially when you seek an experienced and board-certified provider at Seattle Plastic Surgery.


After BOTOX injections, you can return to your normal life and routine. Not more invasive than a vaccine, you should not experience side effects worse than a bit of discomfort and bruising. Hyperhidrosis treatment does involve more injections than cosmetic BOTOX usually does, meaning you may feel a little sore following treatment. Occasionally, patients will report temporary and minor muscle weakness in the treated area. Once BOTOX begins to kick in, this resolves.

Specific aftercare will depend on your medical history and treatment area. For most BOTOX injections, your provider will advise you to avoid touching the area for at least a few hours. Additionally, you should avoid strenuous exercise and activities for 24 hours following BOTOX. You may need to avoid using certain products or medications leading up to and after your injections. This is why you should discuss your entire medical history and all medications you are taking with your provider. This ensures the safest and most effective BOTOX for hyperhidrosis in Seattle.


BOTOX for hyperhidrosis candidates are typically people who have been diagnosed with hyperhidrosis and have tried other treatments prior to BOTOX. Normally, BOTOX for hyperhidrosis patients have found other treatment methods unsuccessful, or want to improve results. 

As an injection treatment, most people with primary focal hyperhidrosis are good candidates for BOTOX for hyperhidrosis in Seattle. The only times a person may not be a good candidate is if they have certain medical conditions or allergies. At a consultation, your provider will thoroughly discuss your medical history to ensure that BOTOX for hyperhidrosis is right for you. 

Additionally, if you have secondary generalized hyperhidrosis, BOTOX may not be the best or most effective treatment. Often, treating the medical condition causing excessive sweating will provide the best results for these patients. 


BOTOX for hyperhidrosis requires attention to detail and medical expertise. At Seattle Plastic Surgery, our providers have years of experience injecting BOTOX and other similar injectables for cosmetic and medical purposes. With a precise and refined technique, we keep your goals in mind during the entire procedure. As well as aim to make BOTOX an effective treatment for your hyperhidrosis. In addition to hyperhidrosis, we use BOTOX to treat chronic migraines and TMJ as well as offer cosmetic BOTOX injections.

Conveniently located in the First Hill neighborhood of Seattle, our office has private and state-certified treatment rooms. In addition, our waiting room has amenities like hot and cold refreshments, fresh cookies, and a friendly atmosphere.

To schedule a consultation at Seattle Plastic Surgery to determine if BOTOX for hyperhidrosis is right for you, call us at 206-561-9127 or contact us online.