Hyperhidrosis Treatment In Seattle
Unfortunately, there are no definite cures for hyperhidrosis. Since the condition has no definitive cause or a variety of causes, treatment focuses on managing the symptoms long term. Especially if diagnosed in adolescence, doctors will try more conservative methods of treatment before BOTOX for hyperhidrosis. Later on, BOTOX may work in tandem with these other methods or on it’s own. The treatment options for hyperhidrosis include:
- Prescription Antiperspirants: Prescription strength deodorants can discourage sweating and treat body odor caused from excessive sweating. While this can reduce sweating, it mainly treats the uncomfortable side effects of hyperhidrosis. This option is great for those with mild hyperhidrosis or for use with other treatment methods.
- Nerve Blockers & Antidepressants: Oral medications that block nerve function and signals like nerve blockers and antidepressants can effectively reduce nerve function. These medications work similarly to how BOTOX blocks nerve transmission. Again, these medications often work best with other treatments for hyperhidrosis. Some hyperhidrosis patients will find that these medications adequately treat their condition.
- Topical Treatments: Doctors sometimes prescribe creams and other topical ointments. These treatments are usually suited for the face and head to prevent rashes from forming and to soothe the skin. Creams usually do not reduce sweating on their own, but can make the condition more bearable for daily life.
- BOTOX Injections: BOTOX for hyperhidrosis treatment injects the sweating area to limit nerve function. This prevents excessive sweating. Unlike many other treatment options, BOTOX treats the overactivity of the sweat glands, which can temporarily stop excessive sweating. BOTOX is commonly used with other treatments for the most effective hyperhidrosis management and treatment.