Breast Augmentation Tacoma

Serving Patients in Gangnam Cosmetic Surgery

Breast Augmentation

(Saline Implant)


Breast Augmentation

(Silicone Breast Implant)


Breast Augmentation

(Gummy Bear Round Implant)


Breast Augmentation

(Gummy Bear Anatomical Implant)


Procedure Time: 1 Hr

Recovery Time: 5 Days

The first breast augmentation using silicone implants occurred in 1962 in Houston, Texas. This procedure marked a revolution in cosmetic and plastic surgery that continues today. Historically, women tried a multitude of injected and implanted materials to increase breast size. However, breast augmentation did not become a common or safe procedure until the latter end of the 20th century. Today, breast augmentation is the number one plastic surgery procedure in the United States and breast implants are safer than ever. Dr. Craig Jonov performs the best breast augmentation Tacoma offers at Seattle Plastic Surgery.



Breast augmentation surgery typically takes between one and two hours to perform as an outpatient procedure. Dr. Jonov will begin surgery by making an incision in the chosen location. Depending on your preference and anatomy, Dr. Jonov will then create a pocket for the implant that is either above or under the pectoral muscle. 

Using a Keller funnel, Dr. Jonov will then perform the sterile “no touch” technique to place the breast implant. This technique minimizes the contact that the implant has with the outside environment, Dr. Jonov, and surgical staff. The “no touch” technique has shown to decrease instances of infection after surgery and capsular contracture.

Following insertion and ensuring optimal placement, Dr. Jonov will close the incisions. He keeps future scarring in mind and aims to keep incisions as short and minimal as possible. Dr. Jonov also uses careful technique when making and closing incisions to promote little to no scarring.

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At your consultation (whether virtual or in person), you and your cosmetic surgeon will discuss your goals for the procedure, medical history, and examine your breasts to determine if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation


A breast augmentation increases breast size and can alter the shape of the breasts. However, depending on your concerns and goals, you may be a better candidate for a breast lift. It is also extremely common to combine these two procedures, especially as part of a mommy makeover surgery. 

Some patients can find enough of a lift from breast implants alone. Although, these are usually in cases of only minor sagging. Any major breast ptosis will likely require a breast lift to correct. Dr. Jonov can usually perform a breast augmentation and breast lift at the same time.

How can you tell whether a breast lift or breast augmentation in Tacoma will meet your goals? The best way is to schedule a consultation with expert plastic surgeon, Dr. Jonov, to determine your breast surgery options. The table below can provide some early insight into which procedure may provide you an optimal result.

1). Breast Augmentation Results2). Breast Lift Results3). Breast Augmentation with Lift Results
  • Enhances breast shape and size
  • Does not purposely reshape or resize nipple or areola
  • Uses a breast implant or fat graft
  • Smaller incision required
  • Corrects breast sagging
  • Removes excess skin and tissue to create perkier breasts
  • Often changes nipple size and position
  • Does not utilize an implant
  • Increases breast size while removing skin and tissue that causes breast sag
  • Nipple usually repositioned
  • Addresses both volume loss and breast ptosis

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Breast augmentation comes with many benefits to patients when it comes to enhancing breast size and shape. Personal benefits of breast augmentation will range between patients and their needs. In general, patients are highly satisfied with their breast implants and the enhanced look of their breasts. Benefits of breast augmentation can include:

  • Correction of breast asymmetry
  • Increase in breast size or projection
  • Enhanced body contours
  • Correction or treatment of tuberous breasts
  • Restoring breast volume after pregnancy or nursing
  • Improved cleavage
  • More confidence and increased self image 


Breast implants come in many shapes, sizes, and profiles. Choosing the correct implant for your Tacoma breast augmentation can seem like a daunting task. After a thorough consultation with Dr. Jonov where he will examine your anatomy and goals, he can make an educated recommendation. Additionally, Seattle Plastic Surgery offers sizers to try on at your consultation so you can visualize your results. 


Breast implants come in two main shapes: round and teardrop (also known as anatomical). Round breast implants provide fullness around the entire breast. For patients concerned with the overall shape of their breasts, round implants can provide a more symmetrical shape. 

Teardrop, or anatomical, breast implants provide fullness in the lower half of the breasts, below the nipple. This creates a more natural look, but does provide less projection of the upper breast. Both breast implant shapes can provide a beautiful and natural outcome depending on your own unique anatomy.


Breast implants range in size from 125cc to 800cc. While 800cc is the largest breast implant available in the United States, saline implants can be overfilled to accommodate larger sizes. However, the most common size chosen for breast implants typically ranges between 300cc and 500cc. 

Certain body types and goals will place limitations on how large or small you can go. Petite, thin patients usually are not good candidates for large implants. However, Dr. Jonov can better evaluate the size of your breast implants at a consultation. We also provide sizers so that you can get an accurate look at the options and how they will flatter you.


Breast implant profile refers to the upward projection that the implant causes. In short, how “pushed up” the breasts look. Moderate profile implants provide a more natural looking profile that may enhance your natural breast’s profile, but not dramatically. High profile implants provide the more “pushed up” look which can enhance cleavage and provide a more dramatic result.


Like any surgery, there is some inherent risk to the procedure. However, when your Tacoma breast augmentation is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Craig Jonov, risks are significantly reduced. General surgical risks include complications associated with general anesthesia, collection of fluids, unfavorable scarring, and infection. 

Risks associated specifically with breast augmentation usually focus on the breast implants themselves. Risks of breast implants can include:

  • Capsular contracture
  • Rippling
  • Wrinkling
  • Rupture
  • Breast Implant Illness

As mentioned, these complications are rare. Dr. Jonov takes every precaution and consideration before and after your Tacoma breast augmentation to minimize risk. Often, this involves identifying ideal candidates and your individual risk factors. At your consultation, Dr. Jonov will evaluate you to ensure you are at a low risk of breast augmentation complications.


What Is Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture refers to the formation of scar tissue around any type of implant, including breast implants. This is actually a perfectly normal part of the healing process. However, some patient’s bodies overproduce scar tissue which compromises the look of the implants. In severe cases, it can cause pain. A patient experiencing symptoms of capsular contracture may have breasts that appear misshapen or hard. The look of the nipples is also sometimes affected. 

Treating capsular contracture consists of many options. Depending on the grade of capsular contracture, ultrasound assisted massage may reduce symptoms or treat it altogether. In major cases of capsular contracture, breast revision surgery may be required to remove the affected implants. Usually, breast implants can be re-inserted following an en bloc removal.

Preventing Capsular Contracture

There are many procedures and precautions Dr. Jonov follows to prevent capsular contracture before, during, and after surgery. Prior to surgery, Dr. Jonov will want to ensure you are not prone to the overdevelopment of scar tissue. This can place you at a higher risk of capsular contracture. Other factors like smoking and medical history can contribute to capsular contracture occurrences.

During surgery, Dr. Jonov uses the “no touch” technique to place the implant. This prevents bacteria and other contaminants from reaching the implant. Placing implants under the muscle also reduces the risk of capsular contracture. However, this placement may not be ideal for every patient.

After surgery, Dr. Jonov recommends a series of ultrasound lymphatic massages. This can lead to a more comfortable recovery and prevent capsular contracture. Most cases of capsular contracture happen within a few years of surgery. Therefore, Dr. Jonov will want to stay in good contact with you throughout your recovery.

Breast Implant Rippling

Breast implant rippling refers to when wrinkles on the surface of the breast implant become visible on the breast. Implant rippling is not inherently dangerous or painful, but it can make your breast implants obvious or cause distress. 

All types of breast implant can ripple, although saline breast implants are much more likely to ripple than silicone implants. While silicone implants rarely ripple, round silicone implants have a higher chance of rippling than teardrop shaped implants.

Most of the time, rippling is caused when saline implants are under or overfilled. Or, in thinner patients, especially if the implants are placed above the muscle. For patients with little existing breast tissue, implant placement should be carefully considered to avoid rippling.

Preventing Rippling

The number one way to prevent rippling is to choose the optimal implant type and placement for your body type. During your consultation, Dr. Jonov will evaluate your anatomy and goals to determine which implant type will provide the best result. 

In general, silicone implants are less likely to ripple and placing implants under the muscle usually hides any wrinkles. In extreme cases of rippling, a breast revision can address and correct breast implant rippling. Although, rippling does not pose any health risk and does not require correction unless a patient desires it.


Breast implant rupture is when an implant develops a tear or hole. This can occur in any type of implant. When a saline implant ruptures, it usually becomes obvious quickly because the saline will leak out and the implant usually deflates. Saline is found naturally in the body, therefore, a saline implant rupture usually is not a medical emergency. Although, the implant should be removed or replaced. 

A silicone implant rupture can go undetected. However, modern silicone implants are designed to hold their form, so that silicone does not leak into the body. The FDA determined that silicone poses no major risk to the body in the event of a silicone breast implant rupture. Yet, as soon as rupture is detected, the implants should be removed or replaced.

An implant rupture can have many causes. Among the most common causes of breast implant rupture are:

  • Faulty implant
  • Damage to the implant sustained during surgery
  • Injury or major impact (such as a car accident)
  • Biopsy
  • Aging implant
  • Capsular contracture
  • Implants placed before 1992

Preventing Rupture

Today’s breast implants are designed to last longer and hold together better than ever before. The best ways to minimize chances of rupture are to avoid situations that could cause damage or injury to the breasts or implants. Additionally, anyone with silicone implants should have screenings at least every 2-3 years to check for rupture.

Beyond this, the “no touch” technique prevents Dr. Jonov from touching the implant during surgery. This minimizes the chance for damage to the implant during surgery.  Otherwise, preventing pressure against the chest, having regular screenings, and staying in contact with Seattle Plastic Surgery helps prevent rupture.


Dr. Craig Jonov at Seattle Plastic Surgery has over two decades of experience performing breast augmentation surgeries. With experience with every breast implant type and augmentation method, Dr. Jonov is an expert in breast surgery. 

The Seattle Plastic Surgery office is located in the First Hill neighborhood of Seattle. While an hour north of Tacoma, Seattle Plastic Surgery offers the optimal environment for breast augmentation. We also have relationships with local lodging if you choose to stay in the area. 

Dr. Jonov offers in-person and virtual consultations to accommodate patients coming from outside of Seattle, including Vancouver, BC. Over Skype or FaceTime, Dr. Jonov can usually determine if you are a candidate for breast augmentation. 

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Craig Jonov at Seattle Plastic Surgery, call us at 206-561-9127 or contact us online.