Breast Augmentation With Lift

Breast Augmentation + Lift

(Saline Implant)


Breast Augmentation + Lift

(Silicone Breast Implant)


Breast Augmentation + Lift

(Gummy Bear Round Implant)


Breast Augmentation + Lift

(Gummy Bear Anatomical Implant)


Procedure Time: 2-3 Hrs

Recovery Time: 5 Days


Breast augmentation surgery continues as one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the US and abroad. A breast augmentation can help increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts, but it cannot address sagging or drooping breasts. Often, adding breast implants to sagging or drooping breasts only enhances the sag. To solve this, cosmetic surgeons combine a breast augmentation with a breast lift to provide these patients with a refreshed look to their breasts. These procedures often are part of a Mommy Makeover plastic surgery, or performed on their own. Breast augmentation with lift can help Seattle and Tacoma area patients refresh the look of their breasts at Seattle Plastic Surgery.



When considering a breast augmentation, you may not know if your breasts need a lift in addition to augmentation. One way to judge this is based on the Breast Ptosis Scale. This scale can give you a good idea of if your breasts may qualify for a breast augmentation with lift.


Unless you are experiencing obvious sagging, it can be difficult to judge if your breasts sag enough to make you a candidate for breast lift surgery. Or, to tell if they sag at all. In a consultation, your Seattle plastic surgeon can determine if your breasts make you a breast augmentation with lift candidate.


A breast augmentation with lift is a combination of two cosmetic surgeries: a breast augmentation and a breast lift. While the procedures aim to correct different cosmetic issues, they can combine to provide the best results for Seattle breast augmentation patients.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the enlargement of the breasts normally through the placement of implants. While the implants enhance the size of the breasts, they can also impact the overall shape. Augmentation is common among women born with smaller breasts, those who have partially or fully lost breast tissue, and simply those who desire to have larger breasts. In many patients, a simple breast augmentation surgery will provide the patient with the results they want.

Breast Lift

A breast lift is a cosmetic surgery that lifts the position of the areola (nipple) and removes excess skin causing the breast to sag. This helps correct breast ptosis, sagging after weight loss, or age related breast sagging. For Seattle breast lift patients, they can receive the surgery on their own. But, if they would like to increase or regain volume in the breasts, breast augmentation with lift may provide a viable option.


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undergoing a breast augmentation with lift in Seattle does not increase your recovery time. The procedures on their own carry a similar recovery time of about five days.

Powerful on it's own, but when combined with additional procedures even more Dramatic & Impactful changes occur.


The surgeons at Seattle Plastic Surgery are board-certified and have wide knowledge and experience with breast procedures. Everyone has different goals and look they want to achieve with their breasts. Our surgeons work to customize your breast augmentation with lift to best achieve your goals and fit your anatomy.

Is It Safe To Combine The Surgeries?

Many patients worry that combining these two procedures in one may pose greater risk. When performed by a board-certified surgeon like the ones at Seattle Plastic Surgery, breast augmentation with lift is a perfectly safe procedure. 

All surgeries come with some inherent risk, but your cosmetic surgeon will evaluate you thoroughly to make sure you are a good candidate for surgery. They will also custom plan your surgery to make it as low risk as possible.

Combining your breast augmentation and lift shortens recovery time because typically the procedures have roughly the same recovery time. With a breast augmentation with lift, this recovery time is simply conjoined in one recovery period.



The day of your Tacoma breast augmentation with lift surgery you will come back to our private surgery center where our nurses will help you prepare for surgery. When you are ready, one of our anesthesiologists will place you under general anesthesia. Our anesthesiologists ensure the process is easy and relaxed with very little pain to you. 

Once fully sedated, your cosmetic surgeon will begin the operation. In most cases, your surgeon will begin with the breast augmentation. There are various incision types available to place your breast implants. When having a breast augmentation with lift, the incision is normally just below the areola.  

Through this incision, your plastic surgeon will place the implants using the no touch method in a pocket they create under the chest muscle. When the implants are firmly in place, your surgeon will begin the breast lift procedure. The technique for this procedure varies upon your breasts and specific needs. For many breast lift in Tacoma patients, your surgeon will make an anchor shaped incision from your nipple and down the breast to the crease. Through this incision your Seattle plastic surgeon will then reposition the areola (sometimes reshaping or resizing it) and remove excess skin and tissue that is causing your breasts to sag. 

Once finished with your breast augmentation with lift, your plastic surgeon will stitch up your incisions carefully. You will then wake up and monitored immediately after surgery before sending you home with a caregiver.

Our surgeons perform breast augmentation with lift as an outpatient procedure which means you can go home the same day. It is important to stay in contact with your cosmetic surgeon and attend all post-op appointments. This way we can help ensure you a safe and healthy recovery, as well as, the results you desire.


Breast surgeries–including breast augmentation with lift–have a variety of techniques and options that custom fit your surgery to fit your needs. From the type and size of implant to the incision location, you and your plastic surgeon will come up with an individualized plan that caters to your anatomy and cosmetic goals.

Breast Augmentation Options: 

Historically, breast implants were placed above the pectoral muscles. This placement–while less invasive–can lead to a higher risk of complications and, today, is rarely performed as a breast augmentation method except for in specialized situations. Most breast augmentation patients have their saline or silicone implants placed below the pectoral muscle. 

The two types of breast implants include: saline and silicone. Saline implants consist of a silicone outer shell that is filled after placement. Silicone implants–conversely–come pre-filled and contain a thicker silicone gel that mimics the look and feel of real breast tissue. When choosing silicone implants, we also offer gummy bear implants. Gummy bear implants are the newest in silicone breast implants that contain a cohesive gel. Gummy bear implants are known to provide natural looking results, while also providing a dramatic increase in size.

In consultation with your cosmetic surgeon, you can discuss the variety of implant options as well as try on different size implants to see how they would compliment your figure. Based upon your measurements and medical history, your cosmetic surgeon will guide you through choosing your breast implants that will provide the results and body contour you want. 

Breast Lift Options:

The technique your plastic surgeon will utilize for your Tacoma breast lift procedure will depend upon many factors including: the degree of sagging, if the nipple needs resized/shaped, the amount of scarring you are okay with, and the natural size of your breast. 

A standard breast lift is the default method for a breast lift. It features the anchor shaped incision and normally allows for the average amount of removal required. For those with lower grades of sagging or who want to focus more on the size or shape of the nipples, your plastic surgeon may choose to perform a doughnut mastopexy. This features incision exclusively on and around the nipple, but it does not allow your surgeon to remove all of the skin or tissue necessary to correct all types or grades of sag. A lollipop lift is the middle ground between these procedures. A smaller incision than a standard breast lift, but it allows more access to your surgeon to remove more to correct the sagging.

The day of your Tacoma breast augmentation with lift surgery you will come back to our private surgery center where our nurses will help you prepare for surgery.


No, undergoing a breast augmentation with lift in Seattle does not increase your recovery time. The procedures on their own carry a similar recovery time of about five days. When you choose to have the surgeries performed at the same time, you recover during the same period. 

For patients with a non-physical job, many return to their jobs within a week of surgery. Your Seattle plastic surgeon will likely restrict exercise and certain activities for at least six weeks after surgery. This varies between patients and your plastic surgeon will determine when you can return to work, everyday activities, and exercising.


You may be a candidate for breast augmentation with lift in Tacoma if you: 

  • Are in good general health
  • Do not smoke
  • Have reasonable expectations for the procedure
  • Are 18 (for saline implants) or 22 (for silicone implants)
  • Have fully developed breasts
  • Have noticeable sag to your breasts
  • Recently lost significant weight and your breasts became smaller/ began sagging

The best way to know if you are a candidate for breast augmentation with lift in Seattle is scheduling a consultation with a plastic surgeon at Seattle Plastic Surgery.


The surgeons at Seattle Plastic Surgery are board-certified and have wide knowledge and experience with breast procedures. Everyone has different goals and look they want to achieve with their breasts. Our surgeons work to customize your breast augmentation with lift to best achieve your goals and fit your anatomy. 

Located conveniently in downtown Seattle, our office is private and close to local lodging. Across from Swedish Hospital, the Seattle Plastic Surgery facility is connected by underground tunnels to hospital, ensuring you a safe surgery.

In a consultation with a Seattle plastic surgeon, they will start a conversation about your goals for the procedure, reasons for seeking it, and your medical history. Before deciding if a breast augmentation with lift is right for you, they will examine your breasts and take measurements. This will help them determine the degree of sag present and what surgical techniques will correct it.

If your cosmetic surgeon then decides you are a candidate for Seattle breast augmentation with lift, they will provide you with your different implant options and sizes to try on underneath your clothes. This can help you visualize your results. They will recommend a type and size that will best compliment your figure and get your desired results.

Before the end of your consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will answer any remaining questions and concerns you have. At Seattle Plastic Surgery, we strive to make sure our patients are fully informed about the breast augmentation with lift surgery and process. We encourage you to ask all questions you may have and want to ensure you leave our office feeling confident about your breast augmentation with lift surgery.