All surgical procedures–cosmetic or not–come with some risk. Risks and complications from brow lift surgery are rare, especially when performed by a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Santos. You can also reduce risk by giving Dr. Santos a comprehensive medical history and understanding of your lifestyle. Ensuring you are a good candidate can help Dr. Santos perform the lowest risk surgery possible.
Risks and complications–while rare in a healthy patient–can include:
- Hair loss
- Unwanted scarring
- Loss of sensation at the incision site
- Nerve damage
- Paralysis of the brow
Seattle Plastic Surgery encourages discussing these and other risks with Dr. Santos at your consultation, so you can work together to create a custom surgery plan that addresses all of your needs, while also keeping any risk to a minimum.
How Does Local Anesthesia Contribute To A Safer Surgery?
Dr. Santos was among the first cosmetic surgeon to use local anesthesia in combination with an oral sedative for his facial plastic surgery procedures. Under local anesthesia, you are not completely sedated, but perfectly comfortable. With a light oral sedative, while not unconscious, you are not fully awake either.
Utilizing local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia reduces the chance of side effects and risks associated with general. For high risk patients, local anesthesia reduces the risk of complications from surgery and can help you feel better coming out of your Seattle brow lift.
What Causes The Need For A Brow Surgery?
Your reasoning for seeking a brow lift is unique and personal. Often, patients come to Dr. Santos with concerns about the effects of aging on their forehead and brow. There are many diverse reasons to seek a brow lift in Seattle including:
- Vision problems caused by eyebrow drooping
- Laxity of the brow
- Wrinkles on the forehead
- Droopiness of eyebrows or forehead skin
- Eyebrow malposition
- Tired or angry appearance