Gummy Bear Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

(Gummy Bear Round Implant)


Breast Augmentation

(Gummy Bear Anatomical Implant)


Procedure Time: 2 Hrs

Recovery Time: 3-5 Days


Plastic surgeons and breast implant manufacturers are constantly innovating to improve breast augmentation and the quality of implants. The fifth generation of silicone breast implants is known as a gummy bear breast implant. Gummy bear breast implants–named due to the similar consistency as the popular candy–offer a higher standard of safety and breast augmentation results. Dr. Craig Jonov of Seattle Plastic Surgery offers the best gummy bear breast augmentation Seattle and Tacoma offers. 


Gummy bear breast augmentation uses high quality, cohesive gel gummy bear implants. A kind of silicone implant, gummy bear breast implants are known for the natural look and feel they often provide. While they come in many shapes, gummy bear breast implants are best known for the teardrop shape that resembles natural breast tissue.

The gummy bear breast implant has grown in popularity because many women want a more natural contour to the breast. They also provide many of the same benefits of silicone implants and with less risk of complications Gummy bear implants are also a great option for breast reconstruction surgeries.



With three main breast implant options: saline, silicone, and gummy bear, it can be difficult to choose the best breast implant for your augmentation surgery. Dr. Jonov and the team at Seattle Plastic Surgery can help you decide which breast implant will satisfy your goals. A thorough consultation and trying on breast implant sizers can make choosing your Seattle breast implants easier. 

The table below offers a starting point when considering the best breast implant type for you. The differences between silicone and saline implants as well as a comparison to gummy bear implants can be found in the table below.



Gummy Bear

  • Filled during surgery
  • May feel firmer
  • More prone to complications (although still rare)
  • Rupture immediately evident due to deflation
  • Leaking implant does not pose a health risk
  • May benefit patients with a good amount of existing breast tissue
  • Only implant that can be placed with the transumbilical method
  • Pre-filled with silicone gel
  • More natural look and feel
  • Larger variety of shape and size options
  • Suitable for nearly all breast augmentation candidates
  • May provide advantages to petite patients
  • Lower complication rate than saline breast implants
  • Slightly larger incision required
  • Pre-filled with highly cohesive silicone gel
  • Believed to provide the most natural look and feel
  • May feel firmer than other implants
  • Anatomical shape that maintains natural breast contour
  • Implant usually shifts less
  • Possible reduced risk of capsular contracture and rupture


Gummy bear breast implants offer many benefits to Tacoma breast augmentation patients. For women desiring the most natural look, gummy bear implants may provide them. Among the advantages of gummy breast implants are:

  • Natural look and feel
  • Less likely to ripple or wrinkle (especially when placed under the muscle)
  • Implant retains shape better over a longer period than traditional breast implants
  • Lower rate of breast implant complications including capsular contracture and rupture
  • Shifts less than saline or silicone implants
  • Firmer than other breast implants
  • Suitable for most breast augmentation candidates


Many patients do not know which breast implant type they want when they come for a consultation at Seattle Plastic Surgery. Dr. Jonov and the Seattle Plastic Surgery team will aid you in choosing the best breast implant for your breast augmentation goals. The first step to getting the breasts you desire is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov. 

Your Consultation

Consulting with Dr. Jonov will allow him to determine if you are a good fit for gummy bear breast augmentation in Seattle. He will first want to understand your goals, medical history, and lifestyle. Dr. Jonov will then conduct a physical exam. At this point, he will determine if you are a good candidate for gummy bear breast augmentation. 

Before the end of your appointment, you will have the opportunity to try on breast implant sizers. This allows you to explore which breast implant shape, sizes, and types will best meet your goals. Finally, you will receive a price quote customized to your gummy bear breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Your breast augmentation surgery in Seattle will depend on the incision and implant placements you choose. For gummy bear implants, three incision locations are possible: inframammary, periareolar, and transaxillary. The location of your incisions is largely up to you but can depend based on the size of the implant and the specifics of your surgery.

You will also decide on whether you want to place the breast implants above or below the muscle. In most cases, Dr. Jonov will recommend placing breast implants under the muscle. This lowers the possibility of capsular contracture and often provides better results.

Other than these decisions, your breast augmentation surgery is fairly straightforward. Dr. Jonov will make your choice of incision. He will then create a pocket either above or below the chest muscle. Once created, Dr. Jonov will use a Keller funnel to carefully insert the implant into the breast pocket. When placed, Dr. Jonov will close the incisions and you will slowly wake up from surgery.



Immediately after surgery, you will likely notice a notable difference in breast size. You can expect to feel some pain and experience some normal surgical side effects like swelling and bruising. Dr. Jonov will prescribe an antibiotic and pain medicine to keep you comfortable during recovery.

Most breast augmentation patients return to work in about a week. Beyond that, patients can usually return to exercise and strenuous activity in two weeks. Heavy lifting and some activities will likely be restricted for six weeks or more. Dr. Jonov can provide a more accurate recovery timeline based on your individual healing process during post-operative appointments.

Contact Us


Dr. Craig Jonov of Seattle Plastic Surgery is an experienced plastic surgeon who performs multiple breast augmentations every week. He understands the nuances of anatomy and is familiar with all breast implant types. Dr. Jonov routinely places gummy bear breast implants and is one of the best plastic surgeons in Seattle. 

Seattle Plastic Surgery is a premier surgical center located in the First Hill neighborhood of Seattle. This convenient location allows us to serve patients from the Greater Seattle and Tacoma areas. Due to Dr. Jonov’s expertise, patients often travel to see us. We have relationships with many local hotels and can provide concierge services to streamline your visit to Seattle.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 206-339-3924. You can also reach us online through our contact forms, Price Simulator™ app, chat, and text.


Still Have Questions?

Give us a call at 206-339-3924. Chat by clicking the icon in the lower left hand corner of your screen additionally you can contact us by filling out the form above. We serve patients from across the United States, Canada, and around the world.


Are Gummy Bear Breast Implants Safe?

All types of implants are considered safe for breast augmentation. Breast implants are the most studied medical device currently on the market and just as safe as other medical implants.

How Much Are Gummy Bear Implants?

Gummy bear breast augmentation ranges in cost based upon implant choice and the specifics of your procedure. To find out the starting price for gummy bear implants, visit our Price Simulator™ app and pricing page.

Do Gummy Bear Implants Feel Hard?

Gummy bear breast implants are firmer than other breast implant options. However, this does not mean that they feel unnatural. Since they are made of a cohesive silicone gel, gummy bear implants are malleable and form better to your natural breast tissue. This provides a natural look and feel. 

If the firmness of your breast implants is a deciding factor for you, Dr. Jonov can discuss the various breast implant options. 

What Shapes Do Gummy Bear Implants Come In?

Gummy bear breast implants come in two main shapes: round and anatomical. The round option functions similarly to a round silicone breast implant by providing more fullness at the top of the breast. For women wanting more cleavage or rounder breasts, this type of gummy bear implant may offer the best results.

Anatomical gummy bear breast implants are teardrop shaped. This closely resembles the way a natural breast has more fullness at the bottom versus the top. The anatomical option maintains or creates this natural contour of the breast.

Who Are Candidates For Gummy Bear Breast Augmentation?

Good breast augmentation candidates are usually good candidates for gummy bear breast implants. Dr. Jonov will decide if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation. In general, good candidates for breast augmentation are:

  • Healthy, with no major conditions, or medical conditions are well managed
  • Age 22 or over (silicone breast implants cannot be placed in patients under 22)
  • Have realistic goals and expectations
  • Do not smoke or are willing to quite well in advance of surgery
  • Have ceased breastfeeding and are not currently pregnant

How Do Gummy Bear Implants Retain Their Shape?

Gummy bear breast implants are known for retaining their shape over a longer period of time. In the rare event of a rupture, gummy bear breast implants are designed to stick to itself which reduces the likelihood of leaking. The cohesive gel of the implant gradually forms to the breast which contributes to the implant keeping its shape.