


Recovery Time: 3 days

Recovery Time: 1 Week


Hair transplant Seattle is the go to treatment for age related genetic hair loss. Losing hair is often one of the first indicators of age, even before wrinkles or sagging skin. Genetic hair loss can cause men to lose their hair early in their lives, sometimes even as early as high school. Luckily, there are many treatment options for hair loss, including injectables, lasers, and surgery. Seattle Plastic Surgery’s plastic surgeons have experience with all of the most effective methods. Dr. Craig Jonov offers the best FUE hair transplant Seattle and Tacoma provide.



Losing hair has many causes and the main causes vary greatly between men and women. In general, men tend to have more noticeable hair loss that affects their self esteem. This is because men lose hair at the hairline and on the top of the head. Also, because men tend to keep their hair shorter, this becomes more obvious. Women are more likely to experience all over thinning and female pattern baldness usually manifests in a Christmas tree pattern along the hairline.

As previously mentioned, hair loss can have a multitude of origins. Common causes of hair loss include:

  • Male or female pattern baldness
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Cancer
  • Stress
  • Some medications
  • Pregnancy
  • Thyroid problems
  • Hair extensions or constrictive hairstyles
  • Nutrient deficiencies

Hair loss happens for many reasons. A hair loss specialist Seattle should evaluate your hair to ensure there is not a larger medical issue contributing to hair loss. If there is, treating this often slows or ceases hair loss and decreases the need for cosmetic interventions.

A hair transplant Seattle is usually recommended when aging or genetics are the main or only factor of hair loss. Hair restoration Seattle treatments help slow hair thinning and stimulate new hair growth. Though, it may be possible to use non-surgical options before undergoing hair transplantation.

Why Combine The Procedures?

Combining facial plastic surgeries is commonplace, especially with a facelift. Often, aging does not affect one aspect of facial appearance. Therefore, patients may also choose to undergo a facelift and brow lift, or a facelift with eyelid lift

CO2 laser surgery is a popular add-on to facelifts because it can improve facelift results. Additionally, undergoing both procedures at once means that patients recover from them simultaneously. As a result, recovery time typically is not increased due to combining a facelift and laser resurfacing.


Throughout history people have lamented hair loss. Before the 20th century, the only treatments for hair loss included snake oils and topical ointments with no scientific backing. More commonly, people suffering hair loss turned to toupees or wigs to hide or replace their lost hair. 

In the 1930’s, a Japanese dermatologist attempted to restore hair in burn victims that hair transplant developed. His method involved using a punch technique that excised round sections of hair that were then transplanted into smaller round holes. This ideology became the foundation for modern hair transplant surgery. 

The 1950s brought about the use of hair transplant for the treatment of male pattern baldness. The technique was further developed and by the 1960s, hair restoration became a common cosmetic procedure. The issue with these early hair transplants was that it was nearly impossible to achieve a natural looking result. Known as “hair plugs” the procedure and its results often carried a negative connotation. This deterred many people from seeking early forms of hair surgery.

It took another forty years before the modern and less invasive techniques became widely available. In the 1990s, follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE) made hair restoration more viable. This led to a revolution in surgical hair restoration.

In the years since, various automated tools and machines have made the procedure even more seamless. Additionally, FUE has overtaken FUT as the gold standard of hair restoration because of the natural results it provides.



The cost of FUE hair transplant at Seattle Plastic Surgery varies based on the number of grafts required for the procedure. There is a $350 setup fee and then $6 per graft. A surgical coordinator will provide an accurate price quote after your consultation with Dr. Jonov.

To help finance the hair transplant cost, Seattle Plastic Surgery works with outside financing companies including Alphaeon CreditCare Credit, and United Medical Credit. You can find more about these options and links to apply on our financing page.



Advanced hair restoration comes in many forms. Perhaps the most well known procedure is hair transplant Seattle because it often offers the most dramatic results. Hair transplant is best for patients who have more extensive hair loss. It is not typically recommended to patients under thirty because they have not yet reached the advanced stages of hair loss. Non surgical hair restoration is more effective when started at a younger age, and therefore, these are usually recommended.

Injectable Hair Restoration

Hair restoration Seattle includes various types of injectables and at-home treatments. Plasma and other regenerative materials can be injected to produce collagen, repair damaged hair follicles, and generate new hair follicles. 

When compared to the hair transplant cost, the initial cost of non-surgical hair restoration is less. However, these non-surgical methods generally involve multiple sessions. Hair transplant Seattle patients will likely only need one initial surgery and may consider non-surgical methods to maintain and continue to slow hair loss.

Laser Hair Restoration

The majority of laser hair restoration options consist of at-home options. At Seattle Plastic Surgery, we offer a laser cap meant to be worn for a few minutes everyday. It uses laser technology to treat and stimulate the hair follicles. This can promote thicker hair, fewer lost hairs, and slow down hair loss.


Many hair restoration Seattle patients take oral and apply topical medications to prevent further hair loss. Over-the-counter options exist, but are often not as effective as prescription medications and medical treatments. Men who undergo any hair restoration are often prescribed finasteride which help reduce hormonal causes of hair loss. Usually, these medications the beginning of or part of larger hair transplant Seattle treatment.


The difference between the two hair transplant surgery methods relates to the harvesting of the donor hairs. FUE is largely favored over FUT, but each patient requires different needs. Dr. Jonov can discuss the best Seattle hair restoration procedure based on your needs. 

FUT and FUE have many similarities. Both procedures are frequently performed under local anesthesia. While the harvesting methods vary, FUT and FUE both transplant the grafts in similar ways. Below you can find the major difference between the two procedures.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

  • Involves a linear incision
  • Usually results in larger number of grafts
  • Does not require shaving head prior to treatment
  • Grafts require separation after harvesting
  • Multiple procedures possible, but not common
  • Harvests grafts individually
  • No linear incision or scarring
  • May require shaving head before surgery, but long hair FUE techniques do exist
  • Hair in donor area thinned
  • Multiple procedures common
  • Surgery less obvious
  • Faster recovery time



How Long Will Take To See Results?

Hair transplant results require patience and time. Within two weeks you should notice some minor hair growth, appearing like a buzz cut. The rest of the results take around three months to become visible. Otherwise, it can take up to a full year to see the final results from your Seattle hair transplant surgery.

Dr. Jonov and the Seattle Plastic Surgery team will guide you through your recovery and results. Some patients choose to supplement their surgical results with non-invasive methods.  

How Long Does Hair Transplant Last?

Unfortunately, there is no procedure that can completely halt aging or hair loss. Hair transplant in Seattle allows you to turn back time and your genetics to slow hair loss. However, hair loss may continue in the future. However, patients who undergo a hair transplant surgery often see their hairline reset to an earlier position. This means a hair transplant can slow the overall progression of hair loss throughout your lifetime.

Does Fue Donor Hair Grow Back?

During FUE hair transplant Seattle, small grafts of donor hair are taken from the back and sides of the head. A major concern among patients is that the donor hairs will not grow back. In most cases, the donor hair grows back naturally and without problems following hair transplant Seattle.


The Consultation

At your consultation with Dr. Jonov at Seattle Plastic Surgery, he will evaluate your current hair loss and its causes. Based on your medical history and individual needs, Dr. Jonov will create a hair restoration procedure plan personalized to you. This may include non surgical hair restoration or FUE hair transplant in Tacoma. 

Before leaving our centrally located office, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive a price quote. In addition, we offer a variety of amenities like hot drinks, water, and warm cookies.

The Surgery

Dr. Jonov usually performs FUE hair transplant under local anesthesia. You will remain comfortable during surgery and anesthesia will continue to be applied as needed. Using an automated device, Dr. Jonov will remove individual grafts. This leaves small, round holes in the scalp. These can scar, but most patients find that their natural hair covers any scarring or that the area heals well.

Once the required number of grafts are harvested, Dr. Jonov will place the grafts in the targeted areas of loss. He will follow a natural looking hairline that flatters your features. The insertion process uses the same automated device and transplants the graft straight into the dermis of the scalp. The healing that this stimulates can also contribute to repairing hair follicles. 



FUE hair transplant is a less invasive procedure that does not require a long recovery time. Many patients return to work within a couple days. The scalp will likely appear red and may scab or crust over. You can also expect the transplanted hair to fall out over the next few days. This is known as shock loss and is caused from the trauma of transplantation. Regardless of this, you do not need to be alarmed if the hair falls out following the procedure.

Dr. Jonov will recommend not washing your hair for around two days following FUE hair transplant Seattle surgery. Even after, you should use caution and avoid high water pressure. The grafts take a few days to settle and take root in the skin. There is a risk of dislodging grafts with hair washing or through returning to activities too soon. You can discuss this risk with Dr. Jonov and he can give you specific instructions based on your hair transplant Seattle procedure.

Some generalized hair transplant surgery aftercare include:

  • Avoid strenuous activity for at least two days following surgery
  • No swimming for at least ten days
  • Prevent sun exposure (wearing a hat is often advised)
  • Follow Dr. Jonov’s instructions for rubbing off scabs over the first two weeks
  • Take the medications prescribed and as directed by Dr. Jonov
  • Wash hair as gently as possible


Finding a hair transplant surgeon in the Seattle and Tacoma area is a stressful endeavor that requires careful consideration. Seattle Plastic Surgery values patient education and aims to inform you at every step of the process. You will have the opportunity to get all your questions answered and understand your treatment options before you leave your consultation. 

Hair loss specialist Seattle, Dr. Craig Jonov, sees multiple hair restoration patients every months and understand the unique plight of hair loss. Using modern and advanced techniques, an automated system makes hair transplant Seattle surgery less invasive and a streamlined process. This allows Dr. Jonov to focus on the intricacies of creating your new hairline.

To schedule a hair transplant Seattle consultation with Dr. Craig Jonov at Seattle Plastic Surgery, call us at 206-339-3924 or contact us online through chat or text.