Penile Filler Treatment In Seattle


5 syringes of filler



8 syringes of filler



12 syringes of filler


While male cosmetic surgery has come a long way, male enhancement treatment is an often overlooked aesthetic treatment. But, with innovations in the field, male enhancement is becoming more popular and offers more significant benefits with more stability.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to increase your size and your confidence with male enhancement. Seattle Plastic Surgery offers the leading non-surgical penile filler for increased girth in Seattle.

What Is Non-Surgical Penile Filler?

Non-surgical male enhancement is an injection treatment that can increase girth size by several inches, depending on your preference. We offer three enhancement sizes: Medium, large, and X-large. The medium package includes 5 syringes of filler, the Large 8 syringes, and X-Large 12 syringes. The cost of medium is $6000, Large is $8000, and X-Large is $10,000. Made of hyaluronic acid, penis filler supports a more natural enlargement of the penis shaft and can increase confidence and overall satisfaction.

How Does Non-Surigical Male Enhancement Work?

Non-surgical male enhancement treatment in Seattle uses dermal fillers made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in our tissue, to widen the size of the penile shaft. These dermal fillers are pre-mixed with lidocaine, which helps ensure comfort during the entire process. 

Hyaluronic acid has a bio-elastic property that supports natural feel and movement when injected into the penile shaft. The molecules in penile filler are rounder than those in normal injections, which allows them to form the shaft and handle compression. 


Is Penile Filler Better Than Implants?

Penis fillers are not necessarily better than implants, but they can be a safer, more natural way to increase girth size. Additionally, dermal fillers enhance the penis shaft for both resting and erection size, while implants typically don’t increase resting size. Additionally, penis fillers can enhance the glans and corona size. Dermal fillers can be more cost-effective and less invasive than implants, making them the more popular choice for male enhancement.

Interested in Penile Filler?

Fill out the form below to schedule a consultation or ask us any questions you may have.

Benefits Of Penis Filler

Penis filler can be safer and more reliable than other male enhancement treatments due to the hyaluronic acid and unique design of the injections. They can offer sustainable results with risk. Other benefits of penile filler may include: 

  • Increases girth size by several inches
  • Long-lasting results (up to 2-3 years)  
  • Minimal maintenance (only one treatment every year) 
  • High success rate 
  • Increase in sexual satisfaction (for both parties) 
  • More cost-effective than implants 
  • Less invasive than implants 
  • No risk of scarring 
  • Safe treatment with minimal risks 
  • Increased size for both resting & erection 

 Male enhancement filler treatment in Seattle is a more natural, effective way to enhance the penile shaft and achieve greater satisfaction in life. 

How Does Penile Filler Increase Size?

Penile enhancement fillers expand the girth of the penile shaft, glans, and corona. This technique helps the penile shaft appear longer and larger overall. It also increase the glans and corona size, significantly enhancing this region. The increased circumference can create a more extended appearance and increase sexual satisfaction for you and your partner. 

How Much Girth Do Penis Fillers Provide?

The amount of enhancement penis fillers provide depends on how many treatments you undergo. Male enhancement fillers can enhance the size by 20-50% or several inches in width. Our penile dermal fillers have a high success rate and can restore your confidence, satisfaction, and sexual enjoyment in everyday life. What To Expect During Penile Filler Treat

Before you get penile fillers, you’ll attend a consultation with one of our expert aesthetic injectors. During this quick consultation, they’ll review your medical history and goals to ensure penile filler is the best treatment for your needs. 

Penile dermal filler injections are quick, efficient, and require minimal downtime. Before the fillers are injected, your injection specialist will use a topical numbing agent and a nerve block to ensure comfort during the entire process. Administering the injections only takes a few minutes, so you’ll complete the entire treatment in less than an hour. 

Penile Filler Recovery

The recovery from penis filler is minimal, and most patients can return to their normal lives after their appointment. However, your injection specialist will provide instructions to ensure your fillers settle correctly. These recovery instructions may include: 

  • Avoid intercourse or any sexual activity for two weeks 
  • Take over-the-counter medication (Tylenol) for any discomfort 
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for the first 24 hours after treatment 

How Much Does Penile Filler Cost In Seattle?

Seattle Plastic Surgery offers three packages for male enhancement. These enhancement size packages include: 

  • Medium: 5 syringes of filler for $6,000
  • Large: 8 syringes of filler for $8,000 
  • X-Large: 12 syringes of filler for $10,000 

Your Penile Filler Treatment At Seattle Plastic Surgery

At Seattle Plastic Surgery, we pride ourselves on providing the leading aesthetic treatments for every patient. Our male enhancement fillers are safe, private, and effective, making them one of the most popular aesthetic injections for men. 

Schedule a consultation to begin your male enhancement journey today! You can schedule online through our price simulator or call us at (206) 739-0355.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do Penis Fillers Last?

This depends on how many initial treatments you get, but most male enhancement fillers last up to 2-3 years before you need to get a maintenance session. 

Are Penile Fillers Safe?

Penile filler treatment in Seattle can be a safe, more natural method for male enhancement. Although rare, risks associated with the treatment can include: 

  • Nodules under the skin 
  • Inflammation or swelling 
  • Allergic reaction 
  • Infection 
  • Embolism 
  • Loss of sensation 
  • Loss of function
  • Tissue death 

By working with an experienced and knowledgeable provider, you can lower any risk and achieve successful outcomes. 

Is Penis Filler Painful?

The aesthetic injection will use a topical numbing cream and a nerve block before administering the fillers, which helps eliminate any discomfort during the treatment. Most patients don’t report any pain or discomfort during the injection session.


Give us a call at 206-739-0355 or chat by clicking the icon in the lower left hand corner of your screen. Additionally, you can Contact Us by filling out the form above.