Is IPL Photofacial Worth It?
Determining whether an IPL photofacial is worth it for you ultimately depends on a few factors. First, what is the main concern you want to treat? If it is discoloration or pigmentation then you will likely see good results from a photofacial. However, if you primarily want to address skin texture or wrinkles, you may find more benefits from another procedure. Though, your master esthetician may also recommend rotating a photofacial with other treatments.
Second, are there medical conditions you want to treat? Rosacea, melasma, and spider veins cause cosmetic symptoms, but a photofacial is often considered the most effective treatment for these conditions. Finally, are you a good candidate? If you have darker skin or are high risk, it is likely not worth undergoing the treatment.
However, patients who fit the ideal candidate profile often see great results from a photofacial and find it worth it. This is especially true among patients treating rosacea and melasma.
How Many Sessions Are Recommended?
Generally, our master estheticians recommend an initial package of three sessions. A few weeks after each session, you will evaluate the results together to determine if more sessions are necessary. Some patients with only mild pigmentation problems may see good results after one session. Though others may need several sessions to see the level of improvement they want.
Is A Photofacial Permanent?
Yes and no. It ultimately depends on what you are treating with the photofacial. If treating something such as general discoloration or brown spots, then yes, the treated spots should not come back. However, a photofacial cannot prevent future sun damage or aging, so you may see brown spots, in general, come back.
For rosacea, it does typically permanently reduce redness, but without occasional touch-ups, it can worsen again. However, with things such as spider veins, the treated spider veins should not come back. Though, of course, you can develop other spider veins. Basically, a photofacial is a treatment for existing concerns and cannot prevent future sun damage or aging.
What Is The Difference Between Hyperpigmentation, Rosacea, And Melasma?
Hyperpigmentation, rosacea, and melasma can all be treated with an IPL photofacial. However, all of these conditions can present with redness or darkened patches of skin on the face. While they have some varying symptoms, it can be hard to tell them apart. The basic difference between the three conditions is their causes. Hyperpigmentation is frequently caused by some sort of skin damage such as sun damage or injuries. It is also a more generalized term for an increase of melanin at a certain point on the skin.
The exact cause of rosacea is not known. There does appear to be a genetic link and the immune system may play a role. Rosacea also only affects the cheeks. Finally, melasma is a darkening or reddening of the skin due to hormonal changes. It is most commonly seen during and after pregnancy but can appear during other significant hormone changes such as stopping birth control or menopause.
What Does An IPL Photofacial Cost?
The cost of an IPL photofacial in Seattle depends on your specific needs and treatment. We offer both single treatments and packages. By default, pricing is for the full face with the option to add on other areas. It should be noted that if a patch test is performed, this may incur additional costs. The starting photofacial prices are as follows:
- Single Treatment (Full Face): $399
- Package of 3 (Full Face): $1,050
- Neck or Decollete Add-On: $399 per session
- Arms: $1,000
- Hands (Single Session): $299
- Hands (3 Sessions): $600
Seattle Plastic Surgery does work with outside financing companies such as Care Credit. Visit our financing page to learn more and find direct links to apply. Additionally, you can see our full suite of pricing on our price list. Then, use the Price Simulator to add up the total projected cost of all your procedures combined.