First, you will meet with Dr. Jonov during a consultation at Seattle Plastic Surgery. He will ask about your goals, health, medical history, and lifestyle. He may then examine the areas to determine the amount of skin laxity and what type of retraction would be possible. In some cases, he may determine that a skin removal surgery such as a facelift or tummy tuck would better adhere to your desired results.
If Dr. Jonov believes that Renuvion–alone or in combination with another procedure–would provide you the best results, he will discuss the procedure in detail. While Renuvion is fairly non-invasive, patients need to be in relatively good health and have any chronic medical conditions well controlled.
Depending on the specifics of your procedure, an anesthesia provider will place you under either local or general anesthesia. General anesthesia is most common to maintain patient comfort. Making small incisions in the treatment area(s), Dr. Jonov may perform liposuction first. Otherwise, or after lipo, he will insert the J plasma cannula just underneath the skin.
Using slow, precise movements, he will activate the plasma to tighten the skin. Sometimes, the retraction is even evident during the procedure. After he finishes this process in all the areas, you will begin to wake up from surgery.
Once awake, you will remain in monitored recovery until released into the care of your caretaker. At home, Dr. Jonov will likely instruct you to wear compression garments to promote tightening and prevent swelling. It also tends to keep patients more comfortable during recovery.
Along with this, Dr. Jonov may also prescribe antibiotics, pain medications, and give instructions for when to restart or discontinue existing medications. Most patients need around a week off work, though some may need as long as two depending on healing and the physicality of the job. Strenuous exercise will gradually be added back in at four to six weeks.
Despite needing a week off work, many patients find recovering after Renuvion treatment less daunting or exhausting than other surgeries. Without large incisions to treat or major trauma to the body, some patients may even find they do not need prescription pain medication.