Revision Facelift

Facelift Revision Seattle & Tacoma

Facelift surgery is the most popular plastic surgery for people over 50. Facelifts usually go well, especially since the SMAS technique became standard. However, botched facelifts do still occur, particularly when a patient goes to an unqualified surgeon or out of the country. When this happens, it can be absolutely devastating and patients can feel embarrassed and hopeless. Luckily, there is usually hope for fixing botched facelifts. The plastic surgeons at Seattle Plastic Surgery offer the best facelift revision Seattle and Tacoma provide.

Overview: The Goals Of Facelift Surgery

Each facelift surgery may have goals specific to the patient and their anatomy. However, the basic goals remain the same. First, a facelift removes excess skin along the lower face and potentially the neck. This extra skin can build up due to volume loss and less skin laxity. Removing the skin thus allows the surgeon to tighten the skin and provide a more youthful facial profile.

Other goals of a facelift may include repositioning descended fat structures, usually in the cheeks or midface. A lower facelift may also tighten the underlying facial muscles which also do become looser with age. This also promotes longer lasting results than when compared to a skin-only facelift.

A standard facelift can achieve these goals for most people. However, on the rare occasions that a facelift goes wrong, the above goals are either not achieved or not optimal. Thankfully, there is hope for most botched facelifts when a skilled facial plastic surgeon performs a revision facelift surgery.



Undergoing a facelift revision has distinct benefits and risks. Not everyone will necessarily benefit from a full revision surgery. E ither a smaller scale procedure or sometimes no correction will best serve the patients. First, let’s look at the benefits and advantages of a revision facelift.

  • Improved results
  • Minimize and/or reposition incisions
  • More youthful appearance
  • Correction of deformities caused by a facelift
  • Retightening of the skin or muscles of the face and neck if necessary
  • Recovery is either comparable or lessened
  • Full-scale surgery is not always needed
  • Often performed under local anesthesia
  • Minimize signs of the previous surgery/obvious enhancements
  • Address aging that may have occurred between the original surgery and the revision
  • Performed by a facial plastic surgeon with decades of experience in facelift surgery


The risks of a facelift revision are similar to those of the original surgery. However, there are a few unique to revisions. For patients who need surgical correction, the benefits often outweigh the risks, but it is up to each patient to decide for themselves. The risks of a facelift revision may include:

  • Little to no improvement
  • Recurrence of the issue
  • Unsightly or visible scarring
  • Infection
  • Fluid collection
  • Over resection of the skin
  • Fat loss

Complications are rare during a revision facelift. The plastic surgeons at Seattle Plastic Surgery use modern surgical techniques and their expertise when approaching a facelift revision surgery.

Reasons For Facelift Revision Surgery

The need for a revision can vary, but does tend to have an identifiable root cause. Due to this, the recommended treatment depends on what exactly went wrong with your prior facelift. Below are the most common reasons a patient may seek a facelift revision in Seattle.

Pixie Ear

Pixie ear is a deformity that can occur after a facelift. During the surgery, the incision is made just in front of the ear and sometimes extends around the earlobe. The stitching and healing of the incision can cause the earlobe to become elongated and look unnatural. This can happen due to incorrect stitching techniques or simply during the healing process.

Thankfully, a pixie ear is easily corrected with a quick in-office procedure. Patients usually do not need to be placed under general anesthesia. Most qualified surgeons know how to successfully avoid pixie ear. Though, it does still occur naturally in a small number of patients.


Next, unsightly or raised scarring is one of the biggest concerns among facelift patients. If a patient experiences unsightly or raised scarring, it is nearly impossible to fully cover. Scar revision surgeries can help minimize previous surgical scars. However, the easiest way to avoid scarring is to properly screen the patient before surgery.

Patients who smoke, are prone to keloids or hypertrophic scars, or those with certain medical conditions are more likely to develop poorly healed or unsightly scars. Knowing this from the beginning allow your surgeon to make a better decision about if you are a good candidate and the best surgical techniques.

Poorly Placed Incisions

The placement of facelift incisions is fairly standardized. Though, there are options for the location of the incisions based on facial anatomy and needs. If a surgeon chooses the wrong locations or is not precise about making their incisions, this can lead to incisions that are visible when they otherwise would not be. Surgical scars can be repositioned with a facelift revision surgery.

Repairing the scar position may also involve reperforming aspects of the facelift procedure. This could include removing more skin or retightening the facial structures. Your plastic surgeon will describe what your revision will consist of during a consultation.

Under Correction

At times, a patient or surgeon may opt for a mini facelift or a less extensive facelift incorrectly. This can leave behind extra skin and not make a significant difference in the look of aging. In these cases, properly performing the right facelift will usually help provide optimal results.

Over Resection

Over resection refers to removing too much skin during a facelift. This is rare and one of the more complicated revision cases. Simply reperforming the facelift will likely not suffice. It is best to consult with one of our plastic surgeons so that they can create a customized plan to correct an over resected facelift.


Frequently Asked Questions

The need for a revision can vary, but does tend to have an identifiable root cause. Due to this, the recommended treatment depends on what exactly went wrong with your prior facelift. Below are the most common reasons a patient may seek a facelift revision in Seattle.

No, there are often non-surgical options for improving or revising facelift results. There is not always a need to go back under the knife. Procedures that may replace a facelift revision surgery

Your Seattle plastic surgeon may also recommend non-surgical therapies in conjunction with revisional surgery. Microneedling and chemical peels can help reduce surgical scarring while dermal fillers can restore lost volume if necessary.

How Many Times Can You Have A Facelift?

Outside of a revision, people sometimes undergo additional facelifts after a decade or two to refresh their results. With both additional procedures and revision procedures, the most someone can undergo is between three and four. This is due to several reasons including age and the amount of remaining skin.

Facelift results unfortunately are not entirely permanent. While you will look younger than others your age for the rest of your life, you will eventually return to your original state and continue to age. This is why some people may choose to secondary facelifts later on in life. These are not usually considered revisions.

How Do I Pick The Right Surgeon For A Revision Facelift?

In the case of any revision surgery, it is generally recommended that patients first return to their original surgeon. However, if this is not possible or realistic, seeking out another surgeon is perfectly acceptable.

A revision facelift is a highly complex procedure that requires an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon. Ideally, you will want to see a facial plastic surgeon and someone with years of experience. For example, Dr. Santos at Seattle Plastic Surgery is a facial plastic surgeon and ENT. He carries experience in both aesthetic and functional surgeries of the face. This gives him a unique and knowledgeable perspective when it comes to facelift surgery.

What Does A Revision Facelift Cost?

Since revision facelift surgeries vary in what they entail, it is difficult to quote a price without examining the patient. We recommend that you schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons. This will help you get an idea of what your Seattle revision facelift will cost.

Seattle Plastic Surgery does work with outside financing companies including Care Credit to offer affordable financing. Visit our financing page to find more information and direct links to apply.