Tummy Tuck with Thigh Lift

Tummy Tuck With Thigh Lift Seattle & Tacoma

Other than the face, the lower body is one of the body areas that sees the most changes with age, pregnancy, and environmental factors. Thus, many patients come to Seattle Plastic Surgery to see Dr. Jonov with concerns about their stomach, thighs, and buttocks. As an expert in body contouring surgery after weight loss, Dr. Jonov often presents several options, but two of the top procedures when it comes to treating the abdomen and thighs are a tummy tuck and thigh lift. Some patients are good candidates for combining these procedures. Seattle Plastic Surgery provides the best tummy tuck with thigh lift Seattle and Tacoma offer.

Understanding The Combination Of Tummy Tuck & Thigh Lift

Combining plastic surgeries is a common practice seen in procedures such as mommy makeovers and facial feminization surgery. Many tummy tuck patients also carry extra skin and fat deposits on their thighs. If just a tummy tuck is performed, this can leave the body looking disproportionate and unbalanced.

Therefore, removing this extra skin and fat from the thighs during a tummy tuck can help complement the results of the body and create younger looking body contours. While this can be done in two separate surgical sessions, some patients are good candidates for undergoing the tummy tuck and thigh lift in the same surgical session.

Tummy Tuck Surgery

A tummy tuck—formally called an abdominoplasty—removes extra skin and stubborn fat from the lower abdomen. It may also repair diastasis recti, a condition where the muscles of the stomach become separated from each other. Pregnancy is one of the leading factors that cause the need for a tummy tuck. Other factors can include aging, genetics, medical conditions, and lifestyle.

The procedure consists of a hip-to-hip incision that Dr. Jonov uses to access the abdominal muscle and tissues. From there, he will tighten the muscles and may liposuction certain areas. Finally, he removes excess skin and pulls the remaining skin over the abdomen to create a flatter tummy.

Tummy tucks can be more or less extensive depending on the patient’s anatomy and need. For example, if the flanks or hips need addressing, the incision can extend onto or around each hip. A mini tummy tuck also keeps the incision minimal, but does not usually address the muscles.

Thigh Lift Surgery

A thigh lift is similar to a tummy tuck in that the main goal of the procedure is to remove extra skin. With a thigh lift, or thighplasty, the incisions often start in the fold of the thigh. It may extend across this fold and then continue vertically down the thigh. The exact length of the vertical incision will depend on the amount of skin that needs to be removed. Dr. Jonov will be able to provide an estimate of the incision length once he sees the condition of your thighs.

Through the incisions, Dr. Jonov may use liposuction to remove excess fat. Then, he will trim away extra skin and reposition it over the new thigh contours. This helps create thinner thighs. The procedure does not usually address the muscle. Thigh lift surgery normally addresses the inner thighs, but there are other thigh lift procedures that can treat the outer thighs.


Benefits & Risks

All elective surgeries have benefits and risks that a patient should consider before undergoing the procedure. Most plastic surgeries today, carry few major risks for the average patient. However, certain medical conditions, medications, or other factors can impact the level of risk the surgery would involve. Dr. Jonov evaluates this for each patient to ensure they are good candidates.

The benefits of a combined tummy tuck and thigh lift include:

  • Flatter abdomen
  • Remove excess skin skin
  • Address stubborn fat deposits
  • Repairs diastasis recti via muscle plication
  • Clothing sizes may go down
  • Address changes in the body due to weight loss
  • Correct damage and changes caused by pregnancy
  • Improve overall body contours
  • More balanced body contours
  • Can address some medical issues like hernias and back pain
  • May make it easier to exercise
  • Less recovery time than two separate surgical sessions
  • Obtain desired results faster
  • More dramatic results
  • Less likely to experience complications than if you underwent two surgeries (unless not a good candidate for a longer surgery)
  • Performed by a plastic surgeon with three decades of experience

The risks of a thigh lift with tummy tuck surgery include:

  • Infection
  • Visible or raised scarring
  • Poor healing
  • Complications associated with general anesthesia
  • Skin necrosis
  • Nerve damage
  • Asymmetry
  • Blood clots
  • Bleeding
  • Fluid collection

Most patients have few increased risks, if any. Dr. Jonov will evaluate your risk profile during your consultation. If you do have any increased risks, this does not necessarily negate you from undergoing surgery, but Dr. Jonov will discuss this with you on a case-by-case basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will A Tummy Tuck Naturally Lift The Thighs?

Even extensive tummy tucks will usually not have much impact on the thighs. Sometimes tummy tucks will help the pubic area, but even this enhancement is minimal. To fully address the thighs, you usually need another procedure such as liposuction or a thigh lift.

How Do You Prepare For A Tummy Tuck & Thigh Lift?

Preparing for a tummy tuck with thigh lift is nearly as important as the recovery. It can impact how smoothly surgery and recovery go, while also promoting the best possible results. Exact pre-operative instructions may vary depending on your medical history and specific procedure. Some commonly provided pre-op instructions may include:

  • Make arrangements for time off work, a caregiver, child care, etc.
  • Cease use of certain medications if directed by Dr. Jonov
  • Seek medical clearances if necessary
  • Ensure you understand the procedure and have realistic results
  • Clean your house and prepare easy food options for minimal activity during recovery
  • Fill your prescriptions
  • Obtain any necessary recovery gear if not provided by the office
  • Do not smoke and stop several weeks before surgery
  • Stop drinking alcohol a few days before surgery
  • Do not eat or drink for at least eight hours before your procedure

What Is Recovery Like?

Recovery instructions for a tummy tuck with thigh lift may include:

  • Walk slowly every few hours
  • Remain bent at a 90-degree angle for at least one week
  • Avoid getting the incisions wet
  • Take prescribed medications
  • Wear compression garments if necessary
  • Attend all post-op appointments
  • Minimize movement other than occasional walking
  • Stay hydrated
  • Eat a low sodium diet
  • No strenuous exercise or activities until cleared by Dr. Jonov
  • Call Dr. Jonov or the office immediately if you have concerns

Dr. Jonov will provide recovery directions personalized to you and your procedure. He may advise some patients to take arnica or to undergo ultrasound massages. Others may be advised to eat a high protein diet during the healing process.

How Can I Tell If I Need A Thigh Lift Or Thigh Liposuction?

The difference between the procedures are that a thigh lift focuses on removing skin while liposuction focuses on removing fat. It is common to perform both during a thigh lift as patients with copious amounts of extra skin often have a few stubborn pockets. However, if you only have a small amount of fat you want removed, are relatively young, and have good skin quality, then thigh liposuction may be the right procedure.

Dr. Jonov will discuss the differences in the procedures with you if you are unsure of which will best benefit you. He can determine and explain why one or both of the surgeries may provide you with the best results.

What Is The Cost Of A Tummy Tuck With Thigh Lift & Do You Have Financing Options?

The cost of a tummy tuck starts at $7,485 and a thigh lift starts at $8,995. Adding liposuction or more extensive procedures will likely incur additional costs. You will receive a customized price quote at your consultation. You can also use Price Simulator to get a combined price of all of the procedures you are interested in.

Seattle Plastic Surgery does work with outside financing companies including Care Credit. You can find more information and links to apply on our financing page. Seattle Plastic Surgery does not offer in-house financing.

The Best Tummy Tuck With Thigh Lift In Seattle

Seattle Plastic Surgery has served the Greater Seattle area for two decades and is located centrally in the First Hill neighborhood. Alongside their surgical services, the clinic offers cosmetic injections such as Botox and dermal fillers and medical grade skincare such as chemical peels and microneedling. With some of the top providers in the state, Seattle Plastic Surgery offers the best tummy tuck with thigh lift Seattle provides.

Dr. Craig Jonov is a renowned plastic surgeon with decades of experience. He specializes in plastic surgery of the face, breast, and body. Dr. Jonov personalizes the surgery to each patient’s needs and anatomy. With decades of experience performing thigh lift and tummy tuck surgeries on their own and in combination with other procedures, Dr. Jonov is Seattle’s top plastic surgeon for a tummy tuck with thigh lift procedure.

To schedule a free consultation, call us at 206-561-9127. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator®, chat, or contact form.